This mod makes use of the Virtual Motion Capture Protocall to allow for FBT through SlimeVR or other methods that come up in the future.
NOTE: FBT still needs more testing and tweaking. If you have a SlimeVR setup and are willing to help I can guide you through setting up. I do not have a kit for myself so it is hard for me to tell if it will look correct in game.
Enable Sender: This enables sending controller and headset positions over Wi-Fi through the VMC Protocall.
Destination IP Address: This is the IP address you want to send VMC Protocall data to. This is typically the IP address of your pc or your quest itself if you run SlimeVR through Termux on the Quest.
Destination Port: This is the port to send data through. Typically 3950. This is the same value as the Port In value in SlimeVR VMC settings.